Our Vision

Lives Transformed. Northwestern Renewed. World Changers Developed.

Our Purpose

is to establish and advance
at Northwestern University
witnessing communities of students and faculty
who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord:
growing in love for God,
God’s Word,
God’s people of every ethnicity and culture
and God’s purposes in the world.

Our Core Values

We go with Jesus to where people are

We go where students are and help bring them closer to Jesus. Whether it’s reaching out to students  in the residence halls, sororities, fraternities, or finding them in student organizations, arts communities, and multi-cultural houses, we seek to bring the presence of Jesus to every corner of campus.

We are a student ministry, not just a ministry to students

For nearly 50 years, Northwestern InterVarsity has been a student-led movement. Our staff develop student leaders who will continue the mininstry that has been faithfully handed down from student generation to generation. Student leadership is one of the hallmarks of InterVarsity. It is vitally important to train the tomorrow’s Christian leaders by reaching Northwestern today.

We believe in friendships, not formulas

We pursue God together in the company of friends. Formulas may work in the classroom, but friendships are a God-given gift that are enormously complex. Whether it be discipleship or evangelism, both involve friendship. Jesus called his disciples friends; it’s our conviction to do the same.

We engage in rich and meaningful bible study

Sick of boring bible study? So are we. If studying God’ grand story is dull, then perhaps something is wrong with the approach. We look at the study of God’s word as a divine encounter where we bring experiences and questions from our own lives into God’s grand story. This requires asking tough questions of both the text and ourselves. There is at least one thing worse than bad bible study: not being honest about the impact that scripture should have on our everyday lives.